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The Body Therapist UK is on a mission to help people from awful healthcare advice. We are sick and tired of people struggling to recover from injury, and even reinjure themselves...


THE BODY THERAPIST UK was established by Sport Rehabilitator Tyler Overton in 2017 to provide affordable rehabilitation and treatment to many common injuries. Our plan is to educate clients on what they need to do to stay fit without spending a fortune; suffering from the same repetitive injury.



We currently do not accept insurance plans. 

Sport Rehabilitation is one of the newest healthcare professions, and is not currently covered by the Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC). As a result, it is rare to be able to provide treatment under private medical healthcare policies or treatment plans. However, some insurance companies will cover appointments for acupuncture and sports massage, so please double check with your insurance company before booking a session with us.

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